Old Lebanese rolling machine
Old large rolling machine engraved from natural stone (The roller is a Lebanese “Mahdale”, a heritage used to roll old
William Matar2022-09-09T07:02:47+03:00August 31st, 2022|New Releases|
Old large rolling machine engraved from natural stone (The roller is a Lebanese “Mahdale”, a heritage used to roll old
William Matar2022-02-12T14:54:48+03:00June 22nd, 2021|New Releases|
4 Vintage old Lebanese music record turntables - For Sale - Price including worldwide shipping: 295 USD - SOLD Franz
William Matar2022-03-13T09:53:54+03:00March 25th, 2021|New Releases|
Old iron with carved anchor - Heated with charcoal - 1940 Ancien fer à repasser avec ancre taillée - Usage
William Matar2021-02-13T09:17:07+03:00December 20th, 2020|New Releases|
A painting with a beautiful frame inspired by the orientalists of the Italian school - Painting painted by an unknown
William Matar2020-07-10T15:33:17+03:00July 10th, 2020|New Releases|
LebanonPostcard presents charming handcrafted wood souvenir curios. A desk and a wall-stand with the تذكار منحوتة شجرة العائلة Sculpture Family
William Matar2019-10-07T12:15:17+03:00October 7th, 2019|New Releases|
Below is the full text of comments we received on our old website LebanonPostcard.com... Name: Ghoussoub Carlo Comment: Thx so
William Matar2019-08-25T17:06:56+03:00August 25th, 2019|New Releases|
Revue National Geographic - Edition française. Depuis sa parution en 1999 à 2018 - 230 numéros - Prix de toute
William Matar2019-06-07T06:33:45+03:00June 3rd, 2019|New Releases|
Beautiful Christian decorations including religious traditions are done by a Lebanese artist. Artworks using colored glasses, Brazilian and Lebanese pebbles,
William Matar2019-03-15T12:29:14+03:00March 15th, 2019|New Releases|
Today I had a phone call from a friend who owns an antique shop, he told me to come to
William Matar2019-03-07T10:03:28+03:00March 7th, 2019|New Releases|
Beautiful interior home decoration - Decoration d'intérieure de maison 1- Vase en terre cuite et corde fait main. Nouveau. D=26cm