Lebanese Cuisine is a film of 75 traditional Lebanese home cooking recipes. Duration: 3 Hours – English – French – Arabic.
Lebanese Cuisine is a film of 75 traditional Lebanese home cooking recipes
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Lebanese Cuisine is a film of 75 traditional Lebanese home cooking recipes filmed step by step. A beautiful mix of taste, color, originality, and tradition. It’s Lebanese home cooking reborn to be kept from generations to generations. It is a reference in traditional home cooking, the recipes are filmed in the very home of Lebanese housewives from the various 4 corners of Lebanon.
Check Lebanese Cuisine Introduction:
Whether you are of a Lebanese descent or an admirer of the Lebanese cuisine, these 75 filmed step by step recipes are essential to your collection to save the secrets of these traditional delicacies and allow future generations to embrace them.
Traditional Lebanese home cooking in an intense expression of love and care in a home.
Home cooking reborn with fast and easy 2 min well detailed and filmed recipes.
The Lebanese cuisine that conquered the world from Sydney to New York is brought to you now in 75 essential Lebanese home cooking recipes filmed in step-by-step.
A reference in traditional home cooking.
Fast and Simply done.
A beautiful mix of taste, color, originality, and tradition. For some, it’s Lebanese home cooking reborn to be kept from generations to generations.
Lebanese Cuisine – Menus:
1. Tabboulé / Salade au blé concassé – Tabboulé
2. Kibbi Nayyeh / Viande battue crue au blé concassé – Kibbé Nayé
3. Rocca Salad / Salade de Roquette
4. Octopus Salad / Salade de poulpe
5. Fattouch / Salade aux croutons de pains – Fattouche
6. Grilled Eggplant Salad/Salade d’aubergines grillées
7. Cucumber and yogurt Salad/Salade de yaourt aux comcombres
8. Warm Zucchini Salad / Salade de courgettes
9. Beet and potato Salad/Salade de betteraves et de pommes de terres
10. Tomato and Cumin / Tomates au Cumin
11. Fava beans Salad / Salade de Fêves
12. Octopus with coriander / Poulpe à la coriandre
Main Dish
1. Chicken with Rice / Poulet au Riz
2. Kibbit Al Hili / Kibbé Al Hili
3. Fassoulia with meat / Haricots secs à la viande – Fassoulia à la viande
4. Mujaddara / Purée de lentilles
5. Kafta with tahini/ Viande battue à la crème de sesame – Kfta avec tahina
6. Chicken with vegetables / Poulet aux légumes
7. Stuffed Ribs / Côtelettes farcies
8. Laban Immo/ Laban Emmo
9. Kibbi Mkabkabi / Kibbé Mkabkabé
10. Ghamme / Tripes et boyaux farcis – Ghammé
11. Fatti / Fattit Laban
12. Green Frikiyyi / Frikkiyé verte
13. Red beans and burghul / Purée de haricots secs
14. Kibbi from zgharta / Viande battue au blé concassé de Zghorta – Kibbé de Zghorta
15. Zinkul with yogurt / Zinkol au yaourt
16. Makhlouta / Soupe de graines – Makhlouta
17. Mihchi sili’/ Blettes farcies
18. Hrissi / Hrissé
19. Stuffed Zucchini and vine leaves + cutlets / Feuilles de vignes et courgettes aux côtelettes
20. Grilled fish with tarator / Poisson grillé
21. Baalbeck meat pizza / Pizza à la viande de Baalbeck
22. Burghul and chickpeas/Pois chiches au blé concassé
23. Grilled kibbi / Kibbé Grillé
24. Green beans with Rice / Haricots verts au riz
25. Eggplant’s Fatte / Fatté d’aubergines
26. Chich Barak / Chich Barak
27. Meat with Vinegar / Viande au vinaigre
28. Kibbi with Kishik / Viande battue de blé concassé au Kichk – Kibbé au Kichk
29. Fava beans with Rice / Fèves au riz
30. Courgette with yogurt / Courgettes farcies au yaourt
31. Abu chuchi / Abou Chouchi
32. Spicy fish / Poissons aux épices
33. Pumpkin’s kibbi/Potiron au blé concassé-Kibbé au Potiron
34. Siyyadiyeh / Siyyadiyé
1. Ma’kroun / Maakroun
2. Ashtaliyyeh / Achtalliyé
3. Mhallabieh / Méhallabié
4. Simsmiyeh / Simsmiyé
5. Nkou’/ Nkou’
6. Sfouf / Sfouf
7. Tuffah El Malak / Touffah Al Malak
8. Al Hriri / Al Hriri
9. Hirrak isba’ou / Hirrak Isbaaou
10. Mdallali / Mdallalé
11. Snoubriyyit al rimman / Snoubriyyét al rimman
12. Nammoura / Nammoura
13. Halawit al jibn / Halawit al jibn
14. Bustan Al Mir / Boustan Al Mir
15. M’azzabi / Maazabé
16. Michmchiyyeh / Méchméchiyé
17. Layali Lubnan / Layali Loubnan
18. Bsis / Bsis
19. Mhallabiyeh with date / Mhallabiyé aux dattes
20. Sfouf with molasses / Sfouf à la mélasse
21. Osmalliyyeh / Osmaliyyé
22. Mbattaneh / Mbattané
23. Katayef with cream / Atayefs à la crème
24. Awwaymat / Awaïmat
25. Mighli / Méghli
26. Maamoul / Maamoul
1. Labneh Mka’zali / Labné de chèvres en boulettes
2. Awarma / Aourma
3. Pickled green pepper/Conserve au vinaigre de poivrons vert
4. Pickled Eggplants/Conserve d’aubergines à l’huile et aux noix
5. Fig jam / Confiture de figues
Features: Duration: 3 Hours
Available in PAL Version – English – French – Arabic – V/O
Additional information
Weight | 0.20 kg |
Dimensions | 1 × 1 × 1 cm |