A Word from the Authors: (From the Book Green Lebanon)

Dear Lebanese, Lebanon lovers, and friends,

Lebanon’s forests are under serious threat, with forest fires in most cases deliberately set, playing a major role in their degradation and bringing about huge social, economic and environmental effects.

We believe there is a strong need to put in place an effective way of drawing attention to the enormous damages and environmental tragedy that our beloved country is encountering.

We need to reach, as quickly and efficiently as possible, people that are receptive and get them to help us.

By showing in images throughout “Green Lebanon: The Book” how Lebanon is beautifully green, we wish to touch the hearts of the Lebanese and to sensibly awaken them to the natural treasure we have today but might lose tomorrow.

Our cause is to keep Lebanon Green and we will win. It is inevitable. Most people, we have found, are open to help, and once we get their attention, and they look at the facts, agree with us: Taking action is an urge!

Today, with you buying our book, we have found the most response and you have integrated our struggle as your own: Save the forests of Lebanon from fires. Keep Lebanon Green!

The funds raised through the book will help take us one step closer to achieve our goal towards the reforestation of Lebanon.

It promised to be a spectacular start to the year 2009. All proceeds from the sale of the book will go to AFDC (Association for Forests, Development and Conservation) to assist along with the Ministry of Environment and ongoing support for environmental issues in Lebanon.

It’s an opportunity to raise much-needed funds and awareness for the tragic state of Lebanon’s environment.

Lebanon will remain an evergreen country.

Pascale Choueiri Saad – Lara Hanna Debs