6 famous Lebanese stamps and recreated them as real artwork.
Lebanon - Stamps and Events 1920 / 1970 - Liban - Timbres et Evenements 1920 / 1970 - لبنان - طوابع وأحداث - George Zeenny
Lebanon Stamp General Francois El Hajj طابع اللواء الركن فرنسوا الحاج لبنان
Timbre: Miss Univers 1971 - Georgina Rizk - République Libanaise - Bloc stamp: Miss Universe - Georgina Rizk - Lebanese Republic
Lebanon Stamp: Abu Melhem wa Em Melhem ابو ملحم و ام ملحم - Order 1 stamp
Album of stamps for Gibran Khalil Gibran, In memory of 130 years - 2 bloc stamps and 8 regular stamps.
Stamps from Lebanon - Carte Maximum and regular - Femme du Liban: Anissa Najjar أنيسة نجار
Stamps from Lebanon - Femmes du Liban: Laure Moughaizel - Mounira El Solh - Alexandra Issa El Khoury
Stamp from Lebanon - Premier Jour d'Emission - Youssef Bey Karam.
Timbre 70ème anniversaire de l'indépendance du Liban.
Stamps of Lebanon: Pere Noel - 2013
Lebanon Stamps and envelope: Bikfaya Liban - Statue des Martyrs du Génocide des Arméniens.
Crafted wall souvenir with Gibran Khalil Gibran Stamp in a frame: (13 x 12.2 cm).
1 Stamp: Together We Will Rebuild Our City Beirut 04.08.2020 معا سنعيد بناء مدينتنا بيروت
"100 Années de Timbres - Une collection d'Histoires du Liban - 1919 / 2019" - Rawiya Edition. 30.5x23.5x2 cm - 273 pages - 1.7 kg - Langue française
Order a special stamp to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the independence of Lebanon (November 2018).