Home/Framed art paintings in miniature

Framed art paintings in miniature


Original framed art paintings in miniature (22.5×22.5 cms and 15×20 cms).


LebanonPostcard presents original framed art paintings in miniature (22.5×22.5 cms and 15×20 cms) signed by Lebanese artist-painter Maroun Bechara. The first frame comes with 4 miniature paintings and the second comes with two paintings attached. Those beautiful artworks are affordable, beautifully framed with canvas surfaces and can decorate your interior.

LebanonPostcard will be responsible for sending these artworks you order, through a fast courier with a tracking number, guaranteeing reception of the package. The shipment may take two to five days to arrive, according to the country it is sent to.

Additional information

Weight N/A

Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4, Group 5, Group 6, Group 7, Group 8