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Beirut – A City of Contrast


Beirut – A City of Contrast by Nina Jidejian.


LebanonPostcard presents an old rare book: Beirut – A City of Contrast by Nina Jidejian – A hardcover book with protege, 32.5×23 cm, 185 pages (Used but still like new).

In this volume Nina Jidejian emphasizes how Beirut, from the earliest times has been a city of contrast where different powers of the Old World met and clashed. Beirut during her long history has experienced the wars of others on her soil: Pharaohs against Hittites, Seleucids against Ptolemies, Byzantines against Arabs, Seljouks, Crusaders against Mamelukes, Ottomans and during the nineteenth century, the intervention of European powers.

Beirut overcame all these obstacles, be they man-made or natural disasters, to become the capital of a country, although divided by diversity, yet has eighteen religious communities living side by side.

During the first century of our era Berytus became the prize colony of Rome. Herod Agrippa I (10 B.C.-A.D. 44), a loyal ally of Rome, lavished gifts upon Beirut.
“He conferred special favors on the people of Berytus. He built them a theater surpassing many others in its costly beauty, he also built an amphitheater at great
expense besides baths and porticoes. In the theater he exhibited spectacles introducing every kind of music and all that made for a varied entertainment”.

Josephus Antiquities 19.335-338.

LebanonPostcard will be responsible for sending the book you order, through a fast courier with a tracking number, guaranteeing reception of the package. The souvenirs may take three to five days to arrive, according to the country they are sent to.

Additional information

Weight 1.7 kg
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 1 cm