Gibran Khalil Gibran in a luxury coffret in a wooden box with leather binding oriental-design metal plate cover.
قاموس الأحلام حسب الإمام ابن سيرين والعلم الحديث معاً. المرجع العلمي الكامل لتفسير الأحلام - تفسير دقيق لأكثر من 10000 حلم.
Book: Trait d'Union: Islam - Christianisme / Hyphen: Islam - Christianity. Nada Raphael - Hard Cover - French and English - 31.5 x 24.5 x 4 cms - 694 pages - 3.5 kgs.
Lebanese Cultural Heritage - Europa and Cadmus - From Lebanon to the world... History of the Lebanese Worldwide Presence - The Phoenician Epoch By Dr. Antoine Khoury Harb. 28.5x28.5x2.5 cm Hard Cover 230 pages. 2.1 kg
Lebanon Rebuilt 10 Years of Achievement: The book shows how Lebanon was able to recover and rebuild itself within a record period of 10 years... 21.5 x 30 cm - 1500 Gr - 279 pages.
Book Lebanon by Paravision S.A.L. 28x21 cm, 144 pages, softcover, 0.7 kg, in English and French.
Book: Maisons Traditionnelles, Villages Libanais - Lebanese Traditional Houses - القرية محمية البيت اللبناني by Eddy Choueiry. Préfaces: Henri Zoghaib, Friedrich Ragette, Jacques Liger Belair - 30 x 25 x 2.5 cm - 274 pages - 2kgs.
A shocking Book - The truth of Lebanon - 224 pages, in Arabic - 30 x 21 x 1 cm by Lina Murr Nehmé - Available as well in French.
Beirut Guided Cultural Visit - 22.5 x 14.5 cm, 96 pages soft cover
The Cook Book "Sohi Wa Sarih, The Lebanese Cooking" featuring more than 100 recipes and 50 attractive pictures. Size 26 x 20 x 1 cm, Soft Cover, 175 pages of delicious Lebanese recipes
LebanonPostcard presents a value book: Green Lebanon. Year 2008 - 272 pages - Hard Cover 25 x 30 cm - Weight: 2.2 Kg.
Book: "Saint Anthony Qozhaya Monastery" - "Monastère Saint Antoine de Qozhaya" - "دير سيدة قنوبين" by Raymond Yazbeck. The Book is written in English, French, and Arabic. Hardcover: 33.5 x 24.3 x 1.9 cm
Book Sanitization is Impossible by the Free Patriotic Movement - الأبراء المستحيل - تكتل التغير و الأصلاح Size 24 x 18 cm - Soft Cover, 258 pages - Arabic
Book: The Holy Valley - La Vallée Sainte - وادي القديسي by Raymond Yazbeck. The Book is written in English, French, and Arabic. The Holy Valley in three languages. Hardcover: 32 x 24 x 2.2 cm, 1700 grs, 275 pages, 500 photos of Lebanon
Book: White Lebanon - Liban Blanc - لبنان الأبيض by Raymond Yazbeck. The Book is written in English, French, and Arabic - Hardcover: 33.5 x 24.3 x 1.9 cm, 1360 grs, 163 pages.
Book: University of Balamand - Tripoli of all eras. Hardcover book - 253 pages, 2.50 kg, 30 x 31 x 2.5 cm - In English and Arabic.