Stamps from Lebanon - Femmes du Liban: Laure Moughaizel - Mounira El Solh - Alexandra Issa El Khoury
Stamp from Lebanon - Premier Jour d'Emission - Youssef Bey Karam.
Traditional water vase pottery from Lebanon: 27×14 cm, baked in a high-temperature oven.
Book: Palaces and Museums of Lebanon by Samir El Bisat - Hardcover, 433 pages, English and Arabic, 30x24x3.5 cm, 2.8 kg.
Timbre 70ème anniversaire de l'indépendance du Liban.
Stamps of Lebanon: Pere Noel - 2013
Lebanon Stamps and envelope: Bikfaya Liban - Statue des Martyrs du Génocide des Arméniens.
Handmade ceramic bowl for nuts (25x12 cm).
Handmade Ceramic Teapot (24x14x12.5 cm)
Large Luxury Backgammon game board (with dice and set of counters), made of real hand-made mosaic and shell. Dimensions: 49.5 x 50 x 8.5 cm.
Phoenician Ship Loading - Art Print 33.2 x 42 cm + 4 cms border
Homemade Sfouf with Turmeric, Order 1.4 kg cake. The cake is prepared within 3 days after we receive the order.
Map showing the diversity and placement of religious communities in Lebanon by Mr. Francois Eid.
Three-quarter-face hand-sculptured bust of Gibran in relief - 16 x 14 x 14 cm
Large Backgammon game board (with dice and set of counters), made of real hand-made mosaic. Dimensions: 49.5 x 50 x 8 cm.
أمهاتنا البطلات في سيرة 6000 شهيد – مرجع شامل في شهداء المقاومة اللبنانية 1975