Book: Raymond Chouity - Royal Weddings and Events by Hani Samaha - Hard and Box Cover – 273 pages – 2650 grs
Art drawings of windows and landscapes signed by the Lebanese artist painter Paul Sleiman (28.5x22.5 cm).
Lebanon – A Name through 4000 Years by Antoine Khoury Harb. “Lebanese Heritage Foundation” - 172 pages - Hard Cover 28.5 x 28.5 cm
Book by artist Michel Sacre: The Art of Bas relief - L'Art du Bas-relief فن الجداريات البارزة
Original art paintings signed by the artist painter Paul Sleiman, sketched using different color tones of BIC.
Beyrouth Amine El Bacha - Aquarelles et Dessins 1953 - 2009 - بيروت أمين الباشا - مائيات ورسوم
كتاب نادر - ديوان شعر الاخطل الصغير بشاره عبد الله الخوري - دار المعارف لبنان 1961
كتاب الهدى - تاريخ جريدة الهدى و الجوالي اللبنانية في أميركا - 1898 - 1967 - Al Hoda - The Story of Lebanon and its Emigrants
A jug and 6 cups dedicated to our national Lebanese drink, the Lebanese Arak
كتاب نشيد الأناشيد وزعه وقدم له انسي الحاج زينه بالرسوم بول غيراغوسيان - دار النهار للنشر - بيروت لبنان طبـع مـنـه 284 نسـخـة مرقمة من 17 الى 300 . رقم النسخة الحالية 144
Sculptured bust of Gibran Khalil Gibran in relief on half-log - 22 x 15 x 13 cm
Handmade painted Persian Minakari copper candy bowl (13×9 cm).
Book - Livre: Beyrouth, Notre Mémoire. Collection d'images de 1880 à 1930. Fouad Debbas - بيروت ذاكرتنا لفؤاد دباس
Luxury curved wooden stand with the Last Supper in bas-relief on a plate of metal and the Cross on the back of the stand. The stand comes in two sizes: 44x26 cm and 52x30 cm.
Beirut and the Sultan - Beyrouth et le Sultan. Size: 31.5 x 29 x 2.8 cm - Hardcover 226 pages - English, French, and Arabic.
Book: Inside Faqra - Luxury Private Chalets by Hani Samaha - 33 x 25.5 x 3.5 cm - Hard and Box Cover – 273 pages – 2650 grs