Les Phéniciens ont-ils découvert l'Amerique? Emile Eddé
كتاب بشير الجميل القضية اللبنانية
Bas-relief sculptures in a plate of tin - Town of Byblos (20 x 14 cm)
Bas-relief sculptures in a plate of tin - City of Tyre (20 x 14 cm)
Bas-relief sculptures in a plate of tin - City of Baalbek (20 x 14 cm)
Bas-relief sculptures in a plate of tin - Cedar of Lebanon (22 x 13 cm)
Bas-relief sculptures in plate of tin - Lebanon in Arabic (22 x 13 cm)
Key-rack for the wall, with original signed paintings of a Cedar of Lebanon or a Lebanese red-roof old houses: 14.5 x 13 cm
الصورة ذاكرة المكان – رحلة 10 أيام بالكاميرا في ربوع لبنان قبل نصف قرن
كتاب وغابت وجوه 1961 - 1983 المطران نصرالله صفير
كتاب فؤاد بطرس المذكرات - دار النهار
كتاب لبنان: رسالة المستقبل - صلاح مطر - 264 صفحة، قياس 21x14.5 cm
Handmade copper Lebanon coffee pot (18 cm), painted and engraved of the Cedar of Lebanon.
The Prayer by Gibran K. Gibran - Crafted reproduction of a Gibran Khalil Gibran painting (11 x 8.8 inches).
Life is a Flame by Gibran K. Gibran - Crafted reproduction of a Gibran Khalil Gibran painting (11 x 8.7 inches).
The Autumn by Gibran K. Gibran - Crafted reproduction of a Gibran Khalil Gibran painting (11 x 8.6 inches).