Saffron from Lebanon. Net weight 0.5 grams, dry stigma - Order 3 boxes (Box 4.5 x 5.5 cm).
Evening relaxed dresses from Lebanon. A unique dress for a unique lady. Dresses are perfect for all ladies wearing small, medium or large sizes.
1 set of 2 handmade ceramic teacups 6.5×13 cm
كتاب من النوادر - العادات والأخلاق اللبنانية - اديب لحود
Large charming ceramic Lebanese plates for legumes خضرة (39.5x26.5 cm).
Order 1 art drawing on a carton board using different color tones of BIC.
٣ كتب خليل مطران - ينابيع الحكمة و المختارات
ستة أعداد لمجلة افاق - 1974 / 1975 العدد السادس الى العدد الحادي عشر
Lebanon, Its Gods, Legends and Myths illustrated by Coins - Nina Jidejian
Three soft cotton towels: Bath towel, face/hand towel, and a kitchen towel with embroidery ‘Beirut, the Cedar of Lebanon and the Tarbouch’
Insects' Role in the Environment - Diversity of moths in Lebanon by Professor Abdul Mun'im Talhouk.
4 oriental arabesque hand-loomed velvety carpet rugs. Each carpet rug has been created with great care, 40cms, 34cms, 34cms, 21 cm.
كتاب ريمون اده جمهورية الضمير نقولا ناصيف
La Calligraphie Arabe - Mohamed Aziza - Préface d'Etiemble
L'Homme, La Terre et La Pierre - L'Architecture du Patrimoine au Liban, 32x22 cm, 85 pages.
Sabina Mahfoud's three ‘Abou Abed Joke Books’, illustrated by Patrick Sfeir and Daniel Georges