Sabina Mahfoud's three ‘Abou Abed Joke Books’, illustrated by Patrick Sfeir and Daniel Georges
Bet you didn't know this about Beirut! by Warren Singh-Bartlett. Illustration and Design: Sinan Hallak - Publisher: Turning Point - 180 pages - 21 x 14 x 1.5 cm
Book, Lebanese Zajal History
الكتاب: تاريخ الزجل اللبناني - المؤلف: أنطوان بطرس الخويري - المحتوى: تاريخ الزجل... - القياس: 17×24 - عدد الصفحات: 672
Boho Beirut - A Guide to the Middle East's Most Sophisticated City by Shirine Saad, 21 x 14.8 x 2 cm - 164 pages.
Book by artist Michel Sacre: The Art of Bas relief - L'Art du Bas-relief فن الجداريات البارزة
B. Lebanon - Night Secrets Uncovered... by Anthony Rahayel - Hard Cover 33 x 24 x 4 cm, 515 pages - 3.5 kgs.
Book Creative Lives by Sierra Prasada, Photography by Roger Moukarzel. Introduction by Roseanne Saad Khalaf Published by Turning Point. December 09 - 184 pp, Hardcover. Size 28.5 cm x 28.5 cm.
Book: Eco-Lebanon - Nature and Rural Tourism - A guide to unveil Lebanon by Nour Farra Haddad. 400 pages - 12 x 16 x 2.5 cm.
Book: Embodyments - Portraits of an Alternate Lebanon by Rasha Shammas (Preface by Ricardo Karam). Embodyments - Portraits of an Alternate Lebanon - Size 24 x 34 cm / 304 pages - Hard Cover / 18+.
Book: "Munir - A lifetime journey captured" - 30.5 x 25 x 2 cm - Hardcover - 200 pages - 1.5 kgs.
Book Green Gold – The Story of Lebanese Olive Oil is a high-quality coffee table book recounting the history, traditions and customs attached to olive oil production and consumption, accompanied by typical Lebanese recipes. 164 pages - W28.5cm xL21cm - 1 Kg.
Book: You know you're Lebanese when... Illustrations: Karim Al-Dahdah. Turning Point. In English and Arabic - 14 x 16 x 0.6 cm
Book: At Home in Beirut - 4th Edition - A practical guide to living in the Lebanese capital. Published by Turning Point - 388 pages, softcover, 14 x 21 cm.
Lebanon Village of Heaven - (12.5 x 9.5 inches, 95 pages - Editions LO TEDHAL), comes with a free music CD illustrating the book. Weight: 1.1 Kg.
A Complete insiders Guide to Lebanon! When in Lebanon, do as the Lebanese! A unique and rich book... full of information to discover page after page! 336 pages - 0.6 kg
Book Welcome to Libania - Bienvenue en Libania. Hardcover 30 x 30 cm - 950 grams - 16 pages booklet. 20 planets super quality photographs. In English, French, and Arabic.