Remember Me
The Lebanese Truth – Omar Fakhoury
Book: The Heart of Lebanon
Land of Canaan, Land of Achtarout, Lebanon
Lebanon through the Ages by artist Victor Haddad
Manoushé – Inside the Street Corner Lebanese Bakery
Book: Let me tell you a story
Qwi Qwi Book
Sitt Sobhiye and the Quest for the White Horse
Book: Wiz Kids moms and to be
Paysans et Institutions féodales chez les Druses et les Maronites du Liban
La Route de la pourpre, Mythes et légendes de Phénicie
Livre: Si Beyrouth parlait – Lina Murr Nehmé
Carrefour des Prophètes par Jocelyne Awad
Beirut Knights by Jasmina Najjar
جونيه صور من الذاكرة