صدر كتاب للدكتور جورج شبلي تحت عنوان "مبدعون من لبنان"، وهو مجموعة من المقالات النقدية تتناول أربعاً وثمانين شخصية لبنانية كان لها موقع مرموق في عالم الإبداع الثقافي، أدباً أم فكراً أم فنّاً. والكتاب ليس دراسة مفصّلة عن حياة كلّ شخصية وآثارها، بقدر ما هو تسليط الضوء على عمل الإبتكار لديها، أي الخروج من المألوف الى اللامألوف، أو تثمين إدهاش القارئ بهذا الكمّ من تجويد الجمال، هذا الجمال الذي يشكّل ثابتاً في تكوين الخليقة. 24x17 cm / 255 pages
Timbroliban is presented in two volumes of Lebanese stamps Catalogues, written and assembled by Michel Rashid Aoun.
Book Jounieh in old-time... (The book is in Arabic) Jounieh in old pictures... by Wakim Abou Lahdo. Hardcover 33 x 23 x 1.5 cm, 160 pages - 1.27 kgs.
Book - Livre: Beyrouth, Notre Mémoire. Collection d'images de 1880 à 1930. Fouad Debbas - بيروت ذاكرتنا لفؤاد دباس
“Life’s Even More Like That!” - Number of pages:112 - Dimensions: W15cm x22cm - Weight: 0.33 Kg - Publishing date: January 2007 - Category: Humor.
Beirut Knights - Jasmina Najjar - Illustrated by Maya Fidawi. Published by Turning Point - 120 pages, softcover, 14 x 21 cm.
ChronoLiban, toute l’Histoire du Liban en un tableau synoptique. 5008 années en 5008 millimètres. Décembre 2008 - Hard Cover 30.5 x 20.5 cm - 750 grs.
Carrefour des Prophètes par Jocelyne Awad - 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.8 cm, 237 pages.
Livre: Si Beyrouth parlait - Lina Murr Nehmé - Softcover and Hardcover
Une formidable aventure ludique, intellectuelle et pédagogique: Le Livre: La Route de la pourpre - Mythes et légendes de Phénicie. Format: 23 cm x 29 cm - 96 pages - Cartonné.
Paysans et Institutions féodales chez les Druses et les Maronites du Liban du XVIIe siècles à 1914 - Toufic Touma - 2 tomes.
Book: "Wiz Kids moms and to be" - The must-have guide for families with kids... (Mom's to be - Activities & outings - Birthday & events - Restaurants - Courses & classes - Special occasions - Children's care) - 304 pages - 16 x 12 cm.
'Play and Learn about Lebanon' in English and Arabic. Text and publishing by Turning Point, Illustrations, and layout by Angela Nurpetlian, 26 pp. Softcover, 21 x 30 cm. For kids ages 6+.
Sitt Sobhiye and the Quest for the White Horse - Written and illustrated by Karim Al-Dahdah (In English and Arabic). Published by Turning Point - Hardcover 27.5 x 27.5 cm 30 pages.
Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon newest baby born book Qwi Qwi: a storybook in three languages, English, Arabic, and French; written by the young author, JM Deeb and illustrated by Ms. Christine Boustani. 90% of the sale of this book goes to treating a child at CCCL.
Let me tell you a story is a tri-lingual storybook for children of all ages that was produced in Lebanon. It features 54 children’s stories, poems, and illustrations from authors as young as 4 years old and as old as 92. Artwork, consisting of drawings, paintings, and collages, formed the basis on which the book was built...