The Lebanese Cookbook by Dawn, Elaine, and Selwa Anthony - Hard Cover Dedicated to the expert - Our mother - 28 x 24 cm, 128 pages - More than 150 recipes.
Middle Eastern Cuisine by Sima Osman Yassine and Sadouf Kamal from the best selling cookbook 'Aleph Ba'a Al Tabkh'. Size 29 x 22 cm x 1.7 cm - 263 pages - Hardcover - Weight: 1.100 g.
You can do it! Learn and enjoy cooking the European and Lebanese way. Recipes are easily written! Softcover 26 x 20 cm - 136 pages (English and Arabic Version available)
Livre - Liban Gourmand - 224 pages couleur – 200 photos – Cartes : Plan de Beyrouth – Plan du Liban.
A new method to study and learn, speak, read and write Arabic by Abd El Rahman Alloush. 24.5 x 17.5 cm - 211 pages - Audio CD - 42 recorded Exercises.
A Dictionary of Modern Lebanese Proverbs - Arabic and English by Anis Freyha - Librarie du Liban. 20 x 14.5 x 4 cm - Hardcover, 750 pages - 1kg - Arabic / English.
صدر كتاب للدكتور جورج شبلي تحت عنوان "قامات ومقامات"، وهو مجموعة من المقالات مقسَّمة الى قسمين: الأوّل يشتمل على نقدٍ إبداعي لاستخراج ضروب الجَمال لدى مؤلّفين مُجَلّين، والثاني يضمّ مقالات نظرية في موضوعات هي علاماتٌ راجِحةُ الفَضل في الثقافة. 24x17 cm / 255 pages
صدر كتاب للدكتور جورج شبلي تحت عنوان "مبدعون من لبنان"، وهو مجموعة من المقالات النقدية تتناول أربعاً وثمانين شخصية لبنانية كان لها موقع مرموق في عالم الإبداع الثقافي، أدباً أم فكراً أم فنّاً. والكتاب ليس دراسة مفصّلة عن حياة كلّ شخصية وآثارها، بقدر ما هو تسليط الضوء على عمل الإبتكار لديها، أي الخروج من المألوف الى اللامألوف، أو تثمين إدهاش القارئ بهذا الكمّ من تجويد الجمال، هذا الجمال الذي يشكّل ثابتاً في تكوين الخليقة. 24x17 cm / 255 pages
Timbroliban is presented in two volumes of Lebanese stamps Catalogues, written and assembled by Michel Rashid Aoun.
Book Jounieh in old-time... (The book is in Arabic) Jounieh in old pictures... by Wakim Abou Lahdo. Hardcover 33 x 23 x 1.5 cm, 160 pages - 1.27 kgs.
Book - Livre: Beyrouth, Notre Mémoire. Collection d'images de 1880 à 1930. Fouad Debbas - بيروت ذاكرتنا لفؤاد دباس
“Life’s Even More Like That!” - Number of pages:112 - Dimensions: W15cm x22cm - Weight: 0.33 Kg - Publishing date: January 2007 - Category: Humor.
Beirut Knights - Jasmina Najjar - Illustrated by Maya Fidawi. Published by Turning Point - 120 pages, softcover, 14 x 21 cm.
ChronoLiban, toute l’Histoire du Liban en un tableau synoptique. 5008 années en 5008 millimètres. Décembre 2008 - Hard Cover 30.5 x 20.5 cm - 750 grs.
Carrefour des Prophètes par Jocelyne Awad - 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.8 cm, 237 pages.
Livre: Si Beyrouth parlait - Lina Murr Nehmé - Softcover and Hardcover
Une formidable aventure ludique, intellectuelle et pédagogique: Le Livre: La Route de la pourpre - Mythes et légendes de Phénicie. Format: 23 cm x 29 cm - 96 pages - Cartonné.
Paysans et Institutions féodales chez les Druses et les Maronites du Liban du XVIIe siècles à 1914 - Toufic Touma - 2 tomes.
Book: "Wiz Kids moms and to be" - The must-have guide for families with kids... (Mom's to be - Activities & outings - Birthday & events - Restaurants - Courses & classes - Special occasions - Children's care) - 304 pages - 16 x 12 cm.
'Play and Learn about Lebanon' in English and Arabic. Text and publishing by Turning Point, Illustrations, and layout by Angela Nurpetlian, 26 pp. Softcover, 21 x 30 cm. For kids ages 6+.
Sitt Sobhiye and the Quest for the White Horse - Written and illustrated by Karim Al-Dahdah (In English and Arabic). Published by Turning Point - Hardcover 27.5 x 27.5 cm 30 pages.
Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon newest baby born book Qwi Qwi: a storybook in three languages, English, Arabic, and French; written by the young author, JM Deeb and illustrated by Ms. Christine Boustani. 90% of the sale of this book goes to treating a child at CCCL.
Let me tell you a story is a tri-lingual storybook for children of all ages that was produced in Lebanon. It features 54 children’s stories, poems, and illustrations from authors as young as 4 years old and as old as 92. Artwork, consisting of drawings, paintings, and collages, formed the basis on which the book was built...
Book 'Sarrafian - Liban 1900 - 1930' by Sami Toubia. Hardcover: 35 x 24 x 2.5 cm, 2000 grs, 240 pages, printing: Aleph - French and English.
Lebanon through the Ages - In fifty-three paintings by artist Victor Haddad. In Three Languages: English, French, and Arabic - Size: 31.5 x 24 x 1.5 cm, hardcover, 142 pages, weight 1.4kg, 2002.
LebanonPostcard presents the Book Land of Canaan, Land of Achtarout, Lebanon.
The Sacred Mountain - Charles Corm: This is a long poem on the characteristics of Lebanon. It is divided into three parts: enthusiasm, pain, and memory. This piece is considered to be among the best works of the French-Lebanese poetry movement that flourished in the 1930's...
The book Lebanon in Itself of Dr. Charles Malik, the author, was originally published in Arabic in 1973, by the general editor, Dr. Fouad Frem Al-Boustani. The translator, Dr. George Sabra was asked to kindly translate it into English...
Book: The Heart of Lebanon - Author: Ameen F. Rihani - Language: English - Number of pages: 498
The book If Lebanon were to speak is a journey through history, the history of Lebanon, ranging over the luminous stations of civilization... - Author: Said Akl, English, number of pages: 230.
William Blake and Kahlil Gibran 'Poets of Prophetic Vision' by George Nicolas El-Hage. Notre Dame University, Louaize, Lebanon - Book size: 24 x 17 cm - 171 pages.
Book: The Lebanese Truth - Omar Fakhoury - English - Number of pages: 62.
Book: Juhan - A novelette - Ameen F. Rihani - 23 x 17 cm - 102 pages
L'Art au Liban - Artistes modernes et contemporains 1880 - 1975
Book, Pythagoras the Mathemagician: Discover who the real Pythagoras was within the pages of this philosophical work of historical fiction. This controversial novel looks at the first philosopher from an unfamiliar perspective to most Western readers and scholars. 408 pages, 21.5 x 14 cm.
Book: The Phoenician Code by Karim El Koussa. 400 pages, 21.5 x 14 cm, Publisher: Sunbury Press, Inc. - Softcover
Book: Jesus the Phoenician by Karim El Koussa. 345 pages, 23 x 15 cm, Publisher: Sunbury Press, Inc. History - Religious History - Christianity - Softcover
Bible & Phoenicia Code par Mourane
Kahlil Gibran Album: The Prophet - 12 Drawings reproducing on posters the works and paintings of artist painter, writer, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran. Presented in a format of 32.5 x 24.5 cm.
Kahlil Gibran Album: Collector's Edition - 18 Paintings reproducing on posters the works and paintings of artist painter, writer, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran. 32.5 x 24.5 cm.
Gibran Khalil Gibran in a luxury coffret in a wooden box with leather binding oriental-design metal plate cover.
Dr. Joseph Habib EL-Helou: Kahlil Gibran A Nonpareil Artist is a voyage that carries the reader deep into the inner soul of Kahlil Gibran, the immortal writer, poet, and painter. Characteristic of the book: 23.5 x 16.5 cm, 250 pages.
Book The Prophet by Khalil (Kahlil) Gibran is a treasure of Lebanese culture. Twelve illustrations in this volume are reproduced from original drawings by the author.
Book Kahlil Gibran - Horizons of the Painter, done with the collaboration of Nicolas Sursock Museum, Beirut - 166 pages - Showing more than 180 paintings of Gibran
Wild Flowers of Lebanon, a beautiful photographic guide, Volume 1 - Volume 2, Colored pages.