Remember Me
Land of Canaan, Land of Achtarout, Lebanon
Kahlil Gibran - Horizons of the Painter
جبران خليل جبران - إطاره الحضاري وشخصيته وَآثَارُه
Lebanon – A Name through 4000 Years Entity and Identity
Al Beit البيت – السوسيولوجيا واللغة والعمران – نادر سراج
Zajal Lebanese History تاريخ الزجل اللبناني
Fakhreldine by Aziz El Ahdab -فخر الدين الكبير
حصاد السنين – ديوان قصائد وشعر
عبد الله يوركي حلاق
ثمار الضاد في رحلة العمر
وجوه عرفتها – شخصيات جديدة
Beirut and the Sultan
Book Gibran Khalil – Lebanese Genius
Haramoun – From Adam to Christ حرمون من ادام الى المسيح
The Voyage to the Holy Land
Book Gibran K. Gibran – Alive
1453 – Fall of Constantinople, Muhammad 2 imposes the Orthodox Schism
Kahlil Gibran – Horizons of the Painter
The Prophet by Khalil (Kahlil) Gibran
Khalil Gibran A Nonpareil Artist, Dr. Joseph Habib EL-Helou
Bible & Phoenicia Code – Mourane
L’Art au Liban – Artistes modernes et contemporains 1880 – 1975
Book: Juhan – A novelette
The Lebanese Truth – Omar Fakhoury
William Blake and Kahlil Gibran ‘Poets of Prophetic Vision’
Book: If Lebanon were to speak
Book: The Heart of Lebanon
Book: Lebanon in Itself
The Sacred Mountain
Lebanon through the Ages by artist Victor Haddad
Paysans et Institutions féodales chez les Druses et les Maronites du Liban